Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My wife is an incredible blogger

I have never had anyone ask me why I don't blog.  
I have never really attempted to be an avid blogger.  I enjoy leading a quiet life, and don't usually like to expose my thoughts to anyone and everyone with access to the internet.  But today I am changing my mindset on the blogging world.  You ask why?

I have a kid on the way. He/she will be here in less than 7 months.  It's amazing how much this realization has changed me.  It's only been 13 weeks since we found out that Sarah was pregnant, but I find myself already striving to be a better man.  
Here are some new things I've adapted into my daily routine:
     - a daily task list 
     -a set time for reading (I've already finished 3 books, which is an all time record for me)
This may not seem like much, but it's been amazing to see how much more effective and intentional these 2 things have made me.  I want to be a great example to our child of what it means to be a godly man, a strong leader, and a loving husband.  
Both Sarah and I are so excited to be on this journey.  What a wonderful God we serve.

So, why am I blogging?  I want my child to be able to look back over the years and have some kind of written record that he/she can touch, and also I want to be able to look back at this time next year and marvel at all that the Lord has done.

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard,
and no mind has imagined
what God has prepared
for those who love him.”t